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the wine speed blog

“WINE– IT’S JUST LIQUID FLAVOR” Join Me at the National Restaurant Show May 20-23, 2017

By Karen MacNeil
May 17, 2017

This weekend, I’ll be joining Oneida at the National Restaurant Association show in Chicago to explore flavor in a new and exciting way. At Oneida’s specially-designed “Experience Booth,” (#7207 North Hall), I’ll be conducting focused tastings where we’ll look at wine as “just liquid flavor.” Approached in this simple sensory way, wine becomes comfortable and accessible. Come join me and see (and taste) for yourself.

Oneida’s Senior Vice President of Design & Creative Director Paul Gebhardt shared with me the company’s approach to flavor and glassware:

The perception of flavor is complex, and connected to all five of our senses. Each glass we choose to serve wine in has the potential to be a primary component of a positive and memorable guest experience. Indeed, much of our olfactory flavor perception is centered in the same portion of our minds that hold memory.

Oneida’s Stölzle range of premium German crystal is defined by design and form. Using insights gained through scientific and practical comparative analysis, features have been designed into every Stölzle glass in order to enhance the perception of aroma and flavor. The real goal is to turn on the senses and expand our ability to perceive the things that we love.”

“WINE-- IT’S JUST LIQUID FLAVOR” Join Me at the National Restaurant Show May 20-23, 2017